How Important Is HVAC Air Duct Cleaning? By ciwg_CEO@906 at May 16, 2022 The temperature in California can get unbearably hot during summers. A maintenance tune-up service before the summer starts can help jumpstart your AC unit, so it works efficiently. The AC tune-up service includes cleaning ducts, checking refrigerant levels, and checking any loose electrical connections which can cause a malfunction in the future.Every HVAC appliance needs regular tune-ups and maintenance services to work efficiently. Ignoring the obvious signs of trouble in your HVAC unit and not scheduling a maintenance service on time can cause you to look for HVAC repair in Pasadena. If the problem is bigger, it can affect your wallets. Why is Air Duct Cleaning Necessary? Duct cleaning refers to the cleaning of ductwork inside the house using a high-powered vacuum and professional tools, and a trained technician performs this process. Googling and scheduling air duct cleaning near you can help increase your AC and furnace’s airflow and air quality. You will also notice a significant drop in utility bills. Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning: Increased EfficiencyIf you use your HVAC system regularly and haven’t scheduled maintenance service for over a year, the efficiency may have decreased. There can be many reasons for this, but the most important is clogged air ducts. Over time dust and dirt can get collected in the air ducts, and the debris can cause the air ducts to get clogged, resulting in reduced efficiency.Protects The Lifespan of Your HVAC SystemAlong with the efficiency of your HVAC system, air duct cleaning and maintenance can provide longevity of your HVAC system. Skipping the maintenance can cause premature breakdowns. You may have to look for AC repair in Pasadena for repair service. To prevent the air ducts from getting dirty again after being cleaned, it is essential to seal them after cleaning.Eliminates Odors and AllergensWith use over time, air ducts can get dirty. This can cause the growth of mold. Mold growth causes your AC unit to stink when turned on. This can get uncomfortable when trying to relax on the couch after a long day at work. In addition, an infestation of vermin, mildew growth, cooking residue, and pet dander can cause a lingering odor that never goes away. However, regular maintenance and duct cleaning make these odors go away. Duct cleaning can also help remove any airborne particles and allergens from your indoor air, which may cause respiratory issues.Saves EnergyWhen the dirt and dust clog the air ducts, you may find your HVAC system running for a longer time to provide cooling and heating in your house. If the desired temperature is not met even though you have kept the AC on for a whole day, you need to get your air ducts cleaned. Long run hours can cause the utility bills to rise up. Cleaning the air ducts can prevent you from high energy costs.All in all, air duct cleaning may not seem as important as it sounds, but ignoring regular cleaning can result in frequent service from Pasadena Heating and Air. To schedule an air duct cleaning and maintenance service, call Loves Heating and Air at 410-705-2082.