Why Go Green? The geothermal heat pump, also known as the ground source heat pump, is highly efficient renewable energy technology gaining wide acceptance for both residential and commercial applications. Geothermal heat pumps are used for heating and cooling a house as well as generating hot water. The greatest advantage of these systems is they work by concentrating naturally existing heat rather than producing heat through combustion of fossil fuels. Installing a Geothermal system not only saves you money on your energy bills, but it also contributes to reducing our overall fossil fuel consumption. A recent study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency shows that geothermal systems have the lowest impact on our environment compared to normal HVAC systems. Studies have shown installing or converting to a Geothermal Heat Pump System benefits our environment in reducing fossil fuels, and is equivalent to removing two cars from the road or planting 750 trees! For many years, there have been articles published by reputable sources praising the environmental benefits of a geothermal heating and/or cooling system. With the rising cost of energy, and the need to be less dependent on fossil fuels, the benefits of geothermal systems are becoming more and more obvious to consumers. Loves heating is one of the best HVAC company in Pasadena, MD in your area. We have expert technicians to provide your good HVAC services. The following articles cover information, benefits, and stories from customers who made the switch to a geothermal system: Geothermal Articles Benefits of Geothermal – U.S. Dept of Energy Fascinating Facts – Geothermal HP Consortium Geothermal Energy – National Geographic Geothermal Heat Pumps – U.S. Dept of Energy Geothermal Heat Pumps – Birds-Eye.net Geothermal Heat Pump Sales … Climbing – ETS Get Blueprints for a Green House – TIME How It Works – This Old House Underground Cash – Forbes Warm Up to Geothermal – US News & World Yankee Ingenuity – Natural Home Did You Know? Homes with geothermal heat pumps use between 25% and 50% less electricity than homes with electric heating, cooling, and water heating.